Izdelki za oprema za rešitve (411)

Filtracijski sistemi za rezalne tekočine - Standardne in prilagojene rešitve

Filtracijski sistemi za rezalne tekočine - Standardne in prilagojene rešitve

Découvrez nos solutions de filtration des fluides de coupe : les filtres papier, gravitaires et hydrostatiques, les filtres à tambour, les séparateurs magnétiques, les séparateurs centrifuges. Les différents filtres proposés permettent de s'adapter aux besoins et aux applications de nos clients, traiter les fluides de coupe d'une machine ou bien de réaliser une centrale de filtration pour un atelier.
PRENOSNE LESTVE - Rešitve za Shranjevanje

PRENOSNE LESTVE - Rešitve za Shranjevanje

Dabei handelt es sich um eine Art Leiter, die mit Rädern hergestellt wird und es ermöglicht, sie an den gewünschten Ort zu bewegen. In diesem Sinne handelt es sich um ein sehr praktisches Werkzeug, das schnelle Lösungen für Lagerbereiche bietet.
Rezanje in Šivanje - Rešitve

Rezanje in Šivanje - Rešitve

BORFLEX® accompagne les artisans, les TPE, dans la conception de pièce unique ou en petite série. Nous pouvons vous apporter de vraies solutions de découpe à façon pour vos projets. BORFLEX® a développé au fil des années une forte expérience dans la découpe des matières les plus variées. De la pièce unitaire à la petite série et moyenne série : bouchons, butées, joints spéciaux, bandages, bagues, courroies spéciales, ventouses, membranes, etc.
Industrijske Rešitve za Tovarne - IoT aplikacije

Industrijske Rešitve za Tovarne - IoT aplikacije

ESCOM Enhanced Solutions offers innovative wireless, batteryless sensors designed to continuously monitor critical parameters such as temperature, pressure, and vibration. Our self-powered sensors eliminate the need for cumbersome wiring and frequent maintenance, providing a cost-effective and reliable solution for industrial environments.
EKONOMIČNE IN ZANESLJIVE REŠITVE - Toplotni izmenjevalniki s cevnim paketom

EKONOMIČNE IN ZANESLJIVE REŠITVE - Toplotni izmenjevalniki s cevnim paketom

L’ottimizzazione dell’efficienza globale di una centrale elettrica basata sulla tecnologia a ciclo Rankine richiede l’integrazione di apparecchiature altamente specializzate che supportino la massimizzazione dell’efficienza del ciclo del vapore, riducendo il consumo di energia primaria, minimizzando l’impatto ambientale e contribuendo a ottimizzare i costi OPEX e di conseguenza il ritorno sull’investimento. L’accresciuta competitività tra le diverse tecnologie di generazione dell’elettricità centralizzata e la crescente preoccupazione per le questioni ambientali costringono tutte le tecnologie di generazione disponibili a migliorare la loro efficienza, riducendo il consumo di energia primaria.
Rešitve za Testiranje na Ravni Vozila - Dyno Test

Rešitve za Testiranje na Ravni Vozila - Dyno Test

Our Test Dynamometer service extends beyond component testing to offer vehicle-level testing without the need to take vehicles on the road. By replicating powertrain-induced errors in a controlled environment, we uncover potential issues and provide valuable insights for engineering teams to develop effective solutions. Key Features: Customized test setups for vehicle-level simulations Identification of problem areas and iterative solution development Seamless data collection from a variety of sensors User-friendly interface for easy test case configuration and execution
Destilirana voda

Destilirana voda

Özellikle laboratuvarlarda test yapmak amacıyla kullanılan, her açıdan saflaştırılmış suya distile edilmiştir. Kokusuzdur. Özellikler IVD | Steril | pH 6.8-7 Bulanıklık 5 NTU Tuzluluk 0 ppm TDS 0.01 ppm Karbonat < 0.01 ppm Bikarbonat < 0.01 ppm Klorür < 0.01 ppm Nitrat < 0.03 ppm Sülfat < 0.01 ppm Saklama Koşulları 2-8 °C Kullanım Haricen kullanılır. Distile Su Nerede Kullanılır? Distile su, yüksek saflık derecesi sayesinde çeşitli hassas uygulamalarda tercih edilen bir su türüdür. Laboratuvarlarda, deneylerin ve analizlerin güvenilir sonuçlar vermesi için distile su kullanılır. Bu su türü, içinde bulunan mineral ve kirleticilerden arındırıldığı için, deneylerde ve testlerde herhangi bir kontaminasyon riski taşımaz. Sağlık alanında, distile su önemli bir role sahiptir. Özellikle hastanelerde ve kliniklerde kullanılan medikal cihazlar, distile su kullanımını gerektirir çünkü bu su, cihazların içinde biriken minerallerin ve kirleticilerin önlenmesine yardımcı olur. Saf Su ile Distile Su Arasındaki Fark Nedir? Bu terimler, suyun saflığını ifade eden kavramlar olmakla birlikte, bazı önemli farklara sahiptir. Saf su, genel olarak herhangi bir kimyasal madde, kirletici veya yabancı partikül içermeyen suyu tanımlar. Doğal kaynaklardan elde edilen veya çeşitli arıtma yöntemleriyle temizlenen su, saf olarak kabul edilir. Ancak, bu terim geniş bir çeşitliliği kapsayabilir ve suyun saflık derecesi, kullanılan arıtma yöntemine bağlı olarak değişebilir. Distile saf su ise, özel bir arıtma yöntemi olan damıtma süreciyle elde edilen bir su türüdür. Damıtma, suyun kaynatılması ve buharının yoğunlaştırılarak sıvı hale getirilmesi işlemine verilen addır. Bu süreç, suyun içindeki çözünmüş tuzlar, mineraller ve diğer kirleticileri etkili bir şekilde uzaklaştırır. Distile su, genellikle laboratuvarlarda, tıbbi uygulamalarda veya hassas cihazlarda kullanılır çünkü saflık seviyesi son derece yüksektir. İki su türü arasındaki temel fark, distile saf suyun saflık seviyesinin çok daha yüksek olmasıdır. Saf su, çeşitli arıtma yöntemleriyle temizlenmiş olabilir ancak yine de bazı çözünmüş maddeler veya mineraller içerebilir. Distile su, damıtma süreci sayesinde neredeyse tüm saf olmayan maddelerden arındırılmıştır.
Dryseat - Enkratni Zaščitnik za Toaletno Sedež (PACK6)

Dryseat - Enkratni Zaščitnik za Toaletno Sedež (PACK6)

Dryseat is a toilet seat protector. Disposable and water-soluble, it safely protects those who need to use the toilet outside their home. It is a 100% Portuguese product, made of biodegradable materials and multiple resistant layers and includes a suitably dimensioned cover to offer more comfort and greater impermeability during use.


For intravenous infusion of infusion solutions Specifications: 1. The tube is made of polyvinyl chloride; 2. a triangularly sharpened atraumatic needle of medical-grade steel with silicon coating for easy insertion; 3.The air duct consists of a metal needle and a polypropylene air valve. There are systems with a plastic needle (plastic needle from polypropylene for a bottle with infusion solution is combined with an air valve with a filter); 4.Drip chamber with filter to prevent the entry of unwanted particles, provides visually controlled filling; 5.Roller speed regulator; 6. an elastic adapter between the tube and the injection needle for additional drug administration; 7.Tube-to-needle connection type: Luer Lock; 8.Sterile, apirogenic, non-toxic; 9.For single use; 10.Packaging options: 25/500 11.Shelf life 3 years from the date of manufacture indicated on the package.
Sijajna žlica za špagete

Sijajna žlica za špagete

Material glänzend und gefertigt aus Hochleistungskunststoff hitzebeständig bis 240° Spülmaschinengeeignet und hervorragend geeignet für beschichtete Töpfe und Pfannen Made in Germany mit 5 Jahren Garantie Aufhängöse zur praktischen Aufbewahrung an einer Küchenleiste Modernes Design, Formstabil und gute Handhabung Farb und Lebensmittelecht, keine Schadstoffabgabe an Mensch und Umwelt Labor geprüfte und getestete Sicherheit und Qualität Dieser Spaghettilöffel in glänzendem Design darf in keiner Küchenausstattung fehlen. Es ist ein Küchenutensil, welches aus hochwertigem Kunststoff gefertigt wurde. Die perfekte Mischung aus Qualität und Design wird somit zu einem besonderen Hingucker in jedem Haushalt. Durch den 22 cm langen Stiel wird ein Verbrennen beim Entnehmen der Nudeln. Durch die Zinken an dem Löffelrand können Nudeln sehr gut aufgenommen werden und es wird ein Verklumpen der Nudeln vermieden. Artikelnummer:3024R5-L Temperaturbeständigkeit:240° Farben:Lila Länge:31 cm
Postaja povezana v omrežje - Helios G - Postaja povezana v omrežje | Rešitev za parkiranje in polnjenje za skuterje in električna vozila

Postaja povezana v omrežje - Helios G - Postaja povezana v omrežje | Rešitev za parkiranje in polnjenje za skuterje in električna vozila

Helios G is a parking and charging solution for light electric vehicles such as e-scooters and e-bikes.‎ Helios-G is a smart solution thanks to its IoT technology that allows the control of the locks and the monitoring of vehicles.‎ It also promotes the use of electric vehicles and, consequently, sustainability in cities.‎ Safe: The station incorporates a smart lock to ensure the security of the vehicle.‎ Modular: The station Helios-G eH is made up of modules giving it the capacity to accommodate between 7 and 14 vehicles.‎ Portable: As a fully autonomous solution, it can be easily moved to another location.‎ Grid connected: it can be plugged into any conventional socket.‎ Capacity:6 - 16 vehicles Type of vehicle:Scooters and electric bicycles
Dorenem (Doripenem) - Prah za raztopino za infuzijo 500 mg

Dorenem (Doripenem) - Prah za raztopino za infuzijo 500 mg

A highly potent carbapenem antibiotic drug. Active against gram-positive (+) and gram-negative (-) aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. Several times more active against Pseudomonas aeruginosa compared to meropenem and imipenem/cilastatin. Used in treatment of hospital-acquired (nosocomial) pneumonia, including ventilator-associated pneumonia; complicated intraabdominal infections; complicated infections of urinary system, including complicated and uncomplicated pyelonephritis, particularly pyelonephritis with accompanying bacteremia.
Odstranjevanje škodljivih plinov v kovinski industriji - Envir'S 120 Rešitev proti vonju za industrijo

Odstranjevanje škodljivih plinov v kovinski industriji - Envir'S 120 Rešitev proti vonju za industrijo

Envir's 120 Capteur neutraliseur pour l'élimination des gaz délétères Le capteur neutraliseur Envir's 120 est une innovation révolutionnaire conçue pour éliminer efficacement les gaz délétères. Il peut également être utilisé dans l'industrie du travail des métaux pour neutraliser les gaz nocifs émis lors du processus de production.
Maille Hruška EXCEL MP G.80 veriga Ø 7/8mm CMU 2T - Hruškasti povezave

Maille Hruška EXCEL MP G.80 veriga Ø 7/8mm CMU 2T - Hruškasti povezave

La maille poire permet de faire la jonction entre des éléments divers et un brin de chaîne. Elles sont fabriquées en acier allié trempé et revenu. Ce produit est utilisé pour la réalisation des élingues à un brin, sa chape évite l’utilisation d’un maillon de jonction, très pratique dans une élingue en nœud coulant. C.M.U. de 2 t. Matériau : Acier allié, classe 80, trempé et revenu. Coefficient de sécurité : 4 fois la C.M.U. Norme : EN 1677-4. Finition : peinture jaune. Certification : livré avec une déclaration de conformité CE. UGS:W-MP7/8J
UV aluminijasta prevleka za spektrometre - Knight Optical ponuja široko paleto optičnih komponent

UV aluminijasta prevleka za spektrometre - Knight Optical ponuja široko paleto optičnih komponent

Knight Optical provide a wide range of optical components present in a spectrometers, specifically mirrors and prisms with a UV Aluminium coating to enable the detection of UV wavelengths from 180nm. UV wavelengths can be hard to detect without the use of this coating and can make results inaccurate. Knight Optical UV Aluminium coating allows wavelengths between 180-650nm to reflection at an average of of 85% which is not achieved with Enhanced Aluminium which cuts on at 400nm and primarily for the visible region and above. The coating can be applied to Prisms and Mirrors, either from stock or custom. It is also worth noting that the coating has a protective layer which improves resistance to scratching and improves durability making it easier to clean. Read PDF for more details
Sigma Profilne Platforme

Sigma Profilne Platforme

Sigma Profile Platforms are the ideal solution for optimizing the use of a surface or warehouse space. These platforms are fully dismountable and reusable, allowing for easy modification of structure, dimensions, or space to meet specific requirements. By implementing Sigma Profile Platforms, businesses can maximize their storage efficiency and adapt to changing storage needs with ease.
Filtrirne kartuše - Naše rešitve filtracije

Filtrirne kartuše - Naše rešitve filtracije

Technicis Filtration vous propose une gamme complète de cartouches filtrantes adaptées à tous les dépoussiéreurs industriels à décolmatage présents sur le marché. Les cartouches filtrantes sont adaptées pour la filtration de Poudrage (peinture poudre), Sablage, Grenaillage, Micro-billage, Métallisation, Dépoussiérage, Découpe laser ou plasma. Les principaux systèmes de fixation sont la bride 3 points, fond perforé pour passage d’une tige filetée ou système à baillonnettes. Plusieurs types de médias filtrants en fonction de l’application : polyester standard, antistatique, cellulose, nanofibre, ptfe etc. Depuis 1992, Technicis Filtration est fabricant français de filtres, spécialiste de la filtration de l’air en cabines de peinture industrielles. Hauteurs standards:1500 mm
Kisline - Naša rešitev za vzrejo / Prehrana živali

Kisline - Naša rešitev za vzrejo / Prehrana živali

Reap the benefits of the expertise at Vitalac, a pioneer in acidifiers used to reduce antibiotics on pig and poultry farms. We offer products to help you keep control of the condition of your animals’ health and digestive system through their feed. Whether used in water, liquid or dry feed, our Vitacid range of products guarantees good digestive function and better nutrient value.
Enkratni medicinski izolacijski čevlji in pokrovčki za čevlje

Enkratni medicinski izolacijski čevlji in pokrovčki za čevlje

Medical isolation boot covers ,Non slip protector- High coefficient of of fricti - Disposable Boot and Shoe Covers- Best on the market for protection against slips, trips, and falls * Non slip protector- High coefficient of of friction, durable, water and skid resistant * Protectors overshoes- Cost saving solution when work/activity may ruin your shoe, boot, or medical boot * ISO Class 5 Compatible- Controlled clean room rating for manufacturing, biotech, pharmaceuticals, labs, paint booths, and more WaterProof\Fashion\comfortable\durable\non-slip:Non slip protector Feature: Breathable, Waterproof:Cost saving solution when work/activity may ruin your shoe, boot, or medical boot Material: PP non woven+PE, PP Nonwoven+PE:Protectors overshoes- Cost saving solution when work/activity may ruin your shoe, boot, or medical b
Rešitve VOKOVER - Omogoča širitev komunikacije onkraj vseh ovir in razdalj

Rešitve VOKOVER - Omogoča širitev komunikacije onkraj vseh ovir in razdalj

Communiquez en équipes en toute sécurité quel que soit votre environnement de travail. Étendez vos communications au-delà de tout obstacle physique (bâtiments, murs très épais, souterrains, étage… ) ou sur distances inter-villes ou inter-pays et supervisez simultanément plusieurs équipes distantes.
Podpora iz Nerjavečega Jekla za Šobe in Lanse

Podpora iz Nerjavečega Jekla za Šobe in Lanse

Material: Acero inoxidable resistente al desgaste y a la acción de los productos químicos. Longitud em mm:150 Peso en gramos:230
Rebraasti grelci - idealna rešitev za ogrevalne procese zračnega ali plinastega toka

Rebraasti grelci - idealna rešitev za ogrevalne procese zračnega ali plinastega toka

Finned Tubular Heaters are the ideal solution for air or gas flow heating processes. The ribs enlarge the heat-releasing surface significantly. Basis of the finned tubular heaters are our 8.5 mm tubular heaters. The outer diameter of the fins is 28 mm. The elements can be delivered straight, U-shaped or circular (special design on request). Tubular heater as well as fins are made of stainless steel, the standard for the tube is 1.4828 (other materials possible as in chapter Round Tubular Heaters), the fins are normally made of 1.4301 (1.4571 on request). Terminations for finned heaters::6,3 mm blade terminal Terminations for finned heaters::M4 threaded pin Terminations for finned heaters::With fibreglass leads
200013 Obročasta matica - Elementi in Komplet Sifon 1 palec ½

200013 Obročasta matica - Elementi in Komplet Sifon 1 palec ½

Allows the union of the drain cod. 200012/1 to siphon 200015/1. Material:ABS, color grey
Obratna Ozmosa

Obratna Ozmosa

A saline solution is put in contact with a water permeable membrane (but impermeable to the dissolved solids) at a pressure higher than the osmotic pressure of the solution.
Kontrolna Teža - Flexus® - Kontrolna Teža - Flexus®

Kontrolna Teža - Flexus® - Kontrolna Teža - Flexus®

Die Kontrollwaage Flexus® erfüllt höchste Ansprüche an hygienische Designrichtlinien für verpackte Lebensmittel. Eine Vielzahl an Konfigurationen deckt alle Anforderungen ab. Hygienisches Design für einfache Reinigung und höchste Qualität in Ihrer Produktion Sicherheit und Zuverlässigkeit durch EMFC-Wägezellen-Technologie Immer die richtige Lösung - Konfigurieren Sie Flexus® für Ihre Anwendung Einfach kombinierbar mit Vistus® Metallsuchtechnologie Produktanwendungen:für Lebensmittelverpackung Weitere Eigenschaften:mit Bandförderer,mit Metalldetektor
Klimatske naprave za kabine žerjavov Inrow Serija VI

Klimatske naprave za kabine žerjavov Inrow Serija VI

Os resfriadores de cabine de guindaste do tipo Inrow da série VI estão trazendo uma lufada de ar fresco para as cabines dos guindastes. Guindastes de processo nas indústrias siderúrgica, de metais não ferrosos, de mineração, de petróleo e gás, de cimento, de papel e offshore têm as condições ambientais mais desafiadoras. Temperaturas ambientes extremamente empoeiradas e corrosivas, muito altas e baixas são inimigas dos resfriadores de cabine de guindaste e às vezes causam falhas e paradas. Solução perfeita para manter o A/C em ambiente protegido! Toda a unidade de A/C, exceto a unidade condensadora, é mantida dentro da cabine, onde é mais segura do que as condições externas. Não se preocupe, ainda mantemos todos os cuidados para a unidade condensadora. Ainda existem muitas opções para unidades condensadoras, como bobinas de Cu/Cu ou SS, bem como várias opções de revestimento para bobinas e ventiladores. Faixa de resfriamento:4,2 kW - 22,6 kW Temperatura ambiente máxima de serviço:+80°c Resistente a poeira:Design durável contra poeira Resistente a Corrosão:Design durável contra corrosã Resistente a Vibraçãoes:Design durável contra vibração
Raytek MP150 Infrardeči Linijski Skener Termalne Slike - Rešitev za termalno slikanje v realnem času za industrijske aplikacije

Raytek MP150 Infrardeči Linijski Skener Termalne Slike - Rešitev za termalno slikanje v realnem času za industrijske aplikacije

The Raytek MP150 infrared linescanner is designed for temperature monitoring in demanding industrial environments. It generates accurate thermal images of moving objects, scanning up to 90° wide fields of view with a motorized mirror at up to 1024 points per line and at a max. 150 Hz frequency. An internal high-speed microprocessor calculates the temperature of the individual measurement points. — Real-time thermal line-scanner system for continuous or discrete process measurements — Optical resolution up to 200:1 — Built-in line laser for rapid alignment — On-board Ethernet TCP/IP communication — Wide choice of models and spectral responses The Raytek MP150 includes provision for air or water-cooling, three configurable analog outputs, and two-way digital communications. It can be used in standalone mode, connected to a single PC or integrated into a process control system using the Windows-based DataTemp DP software for remote configuration and real-time process monitoring. Measured temperature range:20 °C...1200 °C (dependent on model) (up to 3000°C option on request) Spectral range:1 µm...5 µm (dependent on model) Scan rate:Up to 150 lines per second Measurement points per line:Up to 1024 Optical resolution:Up to 200:1 Interfaces:Ethernet TCP/IP (100 Mbit/s), OPC, DDE, analog/digital output, RS485 Ingress protection:IP65 (NEMA4) (rugged enclosure with air-purge and built-in water cooling capability) Ambient temperature:Up to 180 °C Scanning angle:90° Power supply:24 VDC ± 25 %, 1 A
Ventilacijski sistem - Za pokrov robota - Rešitev

Ventilacijski sistem - Za pokrov robota - Rešitev

The fan provides a permanent air circulation that keeps the robot dry. The volume of air is renewed preventing moisture from condensing inside the cover.
Filtracija oljne meglice - Prilagojena rešitev za obdelovalne stroje ali centralno odsesavanje za delavnice

Filtracija oljne meglice - Prilagojena rešitev za obdelovalne stroje ali centralno odsesavanje za delavnice

La série Argos Pro est spécialement conçue pour la filtration de brouillard d'huile (émulsion, huile entière), des vapeurs, des fumées, émises par divers procédés mécaniques. L'épurateur est une unité de filtration spécifiquement conçue pour le secteur industriel, où la robustesse, la fiabilité et la simplicité de fonctionnement et de maintenance sont des caractéristiques essentielles. Argos Pro est disponible en 3 tailles, avec des débits de 3 000 à 15 000 m3/h et est modulaire selon l'efficacité de filtration souhaitée, jusqu'à une efficacité de 99,95%. L'utilisation de ventilateurs centrifuges à haut rendement et les grands débits générés rendent la série Argos Pro très utile pour l'extraction et la filtration des grandes machines-outils et des systèmes de filtration centralisés. Pour des débits supérieurs à 15 000 m3/h, des solutions modulaires peuvent être créées et des systèmes centralisés personnalisés peuvent être conçus.
Ekstruzija in Pultruzija - Rešitve

Ekstruzija in Pultruzija - Rešitve

BORFLEX® réalise des joints extrudés assurant l’étanchéité à l’eau, l’air et au bruit, de la conception à la fabrication de pièces de toutes dimensions. Nous proposons également des élastomères ignifugés ou auto-extinguible et sans halogènes, conformément aux normes les plus sévères de comportement face au feu et de toxicité des fumées.